Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dong Zhi

i helped! xD

i guess most of the chinese know what does Dong zhi means..
although im not sure whether did i spelled it
my mum said this is a very important festival for the chinese..
even much more significant than Chinese New Year
but makes not much diff to me..just that i have to wake up so early to help out..
but i enjoyed making the TANG YUAN..with some sort of brown sugas as the filling..
my mum and i moulded the tang yuan into diff kind of shapes..
as our trademark ..haha
she said we have to eat the number of Tang yuan according to our age..
then we will grow..LOL..
O.O..means i have to eat 16? my mum must eat 49?
grandad have to eat 70++..hahaha..
just an old myth... just eat all u want..
my mum's trademark..the pig
minee..the tomato..haha..dont look like one rite..><
my mum's one shape is still there after its cooked..mine jadi tak tau apa..
poor lil pig =S
but still, i prefer tang yuan with choc and pandan fillings xD
wonder if there is Green tea tang yuan..=X
will be having a wonderful dinner tonight..yums..
thats all for now..



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